

 by Michelle Hernandez

I love June. The sun is coming out. I smile when she is here, her bright sunshine rays make me squint in her direction. The breeze she creates passes me, making my hair swift. She brings rain and sun. I love June. The puddles she creates after a gentle rain splash onto my face. June is warm, the perfect temperature for me. I love the smell of June, the scent of flowers and rain. Birds chirp and cheer when June is here. Wherever June touches and steps the grass becomes green. Flowers grow and go into full bloom. The butterflies and bees love June; they hover and fly around her. 

June is my everything, June is my dog. In the month of June, when I go to visit her it brings me joy and happiness. Even with the distance and time apart, I always look forward to seeing her every year. Our first introduction was quick and rushed, but it was definite we must not be apart. She radiates innocence and peace, her name living up to the season. 

June is playful with a lot of energy that does not die down. She is a firework with an endless fire that keeps her going, her energy not extinguishing. Her smile brightens up the night, a candle that keeps you warm and bright. In my eyes, June can not do any bad, no chewed shoes or holes dug in the garden can make me hate June. She is lovely and kind, my other half and partner in crime. I love June.